What You Like Really Matters in Career Hunts
Yes the book “What Color Is Your Parachute” has been around for a long time. This is an edition that brings the classic career exploration advice into the language of a teenage
Career Spark for Kids: Mechanical Engineering
Cultivating a child’s interests as they develop and evolve, will help both you and the student when they reach the education choices that start in middle and high school. Kids ar
Fostering the Child’s Interest: lawn equipment
Finding the source of inspiration for the “What do I want to be when I grow up?” question, isn’t always easy. But there are great ways to explore interest, even in the very y
Professional Organizer Creates Her Own Career
If you like to do a lot of different things and can’t figure out how to narrow it down to pursue a career. You might want to listen to this very interesting podcast. The Host to
The Child That Loves Art: Book List
On Sunday Morning a member of the Kids Lit 411 Facebook group posted a request for picture books that included the main character as an artist. Immediately the authors on the site
Industry Spotlight: Textile Careers
Textiles are generally considered part of the fashion industry. Textile most commonly refers to the cloth or fabric for clothing or for home goods such as the fabric for drapes, pi
Cool Weather Jobs
You may have only experienced one job that deals with the weather and that is the local weather reporter. There are a lot more jobs that must be knowledgeable about the weather or