Inspire and Excite Kids About Careers
It is our jobs as parents, educators and members of our community to inspire and excite kids about their future. Start them early and continue the curiosity. We can’t afford to have apathetic teenagers, which become unsettled or undirected adults.
Exploring careers can be a great deal of fun. I wrote “The STEM Club Goes Exploring” specifically for 9 – 12 year olds because it is an age where the kids are still curious and it can start them on the path of exploring careers and feeling comfortable about the process.
The STEM Club book is the first in the series of My Future Story books. It will launch in June of 2016. In the fall of 2016 “Kids Go To Work Day” will be released. If you want to sign up for notification of the releases of these and future books, please add your email address by clicking here.
This site will continue to grow with book reviews, career spotlights and other professional profiles for both adults working with younger kids to help them explore and teens/young adults exploring career and education options for themselves.
Please comment with ideas and needs you have for career exploration. This site is for you.