Meet the gang exploring their own career options. They have lots of ideas about how to check out jobs and learn more about them. They each have staring roles in the books or on our Facebook page.

Victor is a writer. He writes short stories and articles for the school’s newspaper. He reads a lot of books and thinks one day he will write one himself. His favorite part about writing for the newspaper is asking questions in an interview and then turning them into an interesting story.
He believes his dream job would be writing about cars and other machines. He likes the websites that compare cars and explain the differences between models. His plan is to major in journalism and to practice is writing every day.
Silvia has always loved healthy food. She helps grow fruits and vegetable in the neighborhood garden. She doesn’t want to work in a restaurant but she wants to work with food. Helping people stay healthy is also really interesting to her.
She recently learned that the job of a nutritionist helps people plan healthy meals and recipes. She could even design the options for menus and make sure they include healthy options.

He has grown up eating wonderful food and learning how to cook from his grandmother. She owns a culinary school that teaches food preparation and all about the business of food. Ryan wants to be a chef and after he has traveled the world learning how to make food from lots of different cultures
Keeping things organized makes Paige very happy. She likes working on projects that have deadlines so she can track her progress to the goal she set. She always signs up to plan the class parties and the school dance.
While visiting a company that creates magazines, Paige learned the title for the person that keeps track of everyone’s assignments and the deadlines for the magazine is the Production Manager.

If Logan is helping other people, he is happy. He volunteers at an animal shelter to help wash dogs. In December each year he helps wrap Hanukkah and Christmas presents at the homeless shelter. He reads to the little kids at the library every other Saturday too.
Now that he knows that organizations have to raise money to help people and give them things they need, he’s going to learn about all the jobs that do that. He met a woman that writes stories about the good things happening at her non-profit. He liked her job. He also thinks he’ll ask his friend Jackson to help sell his ideas, when they grow up.
Liam still doesn’t know what he wants to be after he graduates from high school. He likes to talk to people and work in teams on projects. He doesn’t really have a favorite subject at school. He’s not worried about it. He has plenty of time to explore his options.
These are the things he wants think about for his career: travel, meeting new people and not doing the same thing every day. He asks lots of people if their jobs sound like that. He knows he’ll figure it out.

Jackson is the top salesperson for every fundraiser at school. He thinks selling is the most fun part of the school year. He likes it because he likes to talk to people and show them how he can make them happier if they buy what he is selling.
Being competitive helps Jackson sell things. He wants his goal to be bigger than anyone else’s because that makes him work harder.
Albe plans on being a pastry chef. Her favorite thing to do is decorate cakes, cookies or any dessert she can dream up. She watches baking shows on TV and learns new techniques for working with icing or unique tools by watching YouTube videos.
She one second place in her county fair for cake decorating. She plans on entering more contests when she is old enough. Her friends and neighbors get excited when Albe is experimenting in her kitchen. They like to sample her practice desserts.

Cleo has been building machines and games with her parents since she was very little. She can’t decide if designing or building machines are her favorite part. She thinks of machines as problem solvers.
Her plan is to learn as much as possible about mechanical engineering before she has to decide on college. Then she’ll know if she wants to study that in college or go to a different school to learn more about building and working with machines. She is also considering designing toys as a career.