Book Review: I Gotta Draw

Book Review: I Gotta Draw

I Gotta Draw, by Bruce Degen, is a story about Bruce’s inner need to draw. While growing up, drawing was all consuming, drawing has paid off for Bruce. All that practice has made him a favorite illustrator for children’s books. He is most famous for illustrating The Magic School Bus series written by Joanna Cole.
I Gotta Draw is a lively story of the love of drawing. The character Charlie NEEDS to draw and incorporates into all parts of his life. A wise teacher figures out that Charlie is gifted and that drawing inspires him. The results are amazing.
Although the characters name is Charlie, the book is about Bruce growing up. I am so glad that Bruce continued to follow his need for drawing. His career as illustrator and author too, has brought the world so much joy. You can tell he loves to draw by the care put into the books he illustrates. When I child can find a passion and pursue it all the way into their career, happiness is sure to thrive.
Other books Bruce wrote and illustrated Jamberry, Daddy Is a Doodlebug and Sailaway Home. You can buy the book here at HarperCollins.